If your dog goes crazy barking every time a car goes past... or a pedestrian... or a bike... or a cat... you'll know how frustrating and annoying this can become, both to you and your neighbors. The product Bark Off is supposed to curb your dog’s desire to bark, but how does it work, does it do everything that it claims to do?
The device claims to be humane because it emits an ultrasonic signal each time the dog barks. Bark Off's reasoning is that the unusual sound causes the dog to stop barking and to listen to that signal. They claim that disruption of the barking pattern can teach your dog not to bark.
One of the benefits of Bark Off is that it doesn’t use electric shocks like some of its competitors on the market do. You can use it either inside or outside, it doesn't require much setup, and Bark Off will not affect the other pets you have in your house. What are people who bought the product saying about it though?
Reviews of the pet product seem to be a mixed bag. Some people who’ve bought and used it for the dogs they own say that Bark Off worked for some breeds, but not others. The smaller dogs seemed to continue with their barking, while larger dogs stopped. Other people claim that Bark Off didn’t do anything at all to help stop their animal from barking. Others claimed that the product worked at first, but then when the novelty value wore off their dog learned to ignore the sound and continue barking.
However, one thing that most of the users have said is that even when Bark Off works, it is only a temporary solution. It only works as long as the dog is wearing the collar and doesn’t actually “retrain” the dog to keep quiet. If the collar is removed or your dog learns to live with the annoying sound, their barking problem will continue.
In this sense, it is not a replacement in any way for proper dog training classes, or day to day owner-imposed discipline to curb your dog's problem barking.
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