Is buying EXPENSIVE?! you might not want to hear it but buying high end beauty products usually delivers the results that u definitely won't get with cheaper products. There's a reason why products by companies like clarins,clinique and shiseido are so much more expensive -its called RESEARCH and they spend tons of money doing it so u don't have to.
As we all (SHOULD) know buying cheap always eventually costs a lot more so the trick to getting it right is buying sensibly,u have to know ur skin type and buy accordingly. most of these products are problem specific so its easy to know what product will work for you.
Im a recent convert to the clarins brand and now i wonder why i bought cheap products for so long! The effects are amazing!!!You know how u see some women and wonder how they got skin like that? some women were born with it but most times its because they r doing something right ,trust me, there's nearly nothing a good product can't achieve.
First, in order not to bankrupt yourself u have to streamline your beauty regimen (this need not be a consideration if u have deep pockets but since most of us don't lets go right ahead)
For cleansing - use any mild cleansing milk (not all your products have to be expensive, only the essential ones)
For toning - this is really,really important, so u should use a really good product,clarins toning lotion is quite good, i use it both as a cleanser and toner.
For moisturising - its essential u use a product specifically made for your face. Clarins' younger longer is amazing but you have to find a product best suited to ur age and specific skin type, (u should'nt buy a product cos a friend said it worked for her )
Scrubbing ur face once a week is extremely,extremely,extremely important - any good facial scrub will do,u don't have to break the bank for this.
Applying a hydrating or moisturising facial mask once a week is a MUST if u want to have beautiful skin and i advise u don't waste ur time with a cheap product, it just won't deliver.( and remember, less is more, u don't need to pile on the product for it to work, u need just a little,that way ur supply lasts a lot longer)
Lastly, before we round up 3 other things u SHOULD'NT buy cheap - Mascara. A good foundation