[ New Posts ] : Habari Mpya Zote - HAPA CHINI!!!
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11:38 PM
If you trust your friends..., then go ahead,...... Just, leave your dog to his...!
Never leave your dog to your friends...
If you trust your friends..., then go ahead,...... Just, leave your dog to his...!
1:29 PM
Though I’ve now lived in the Middle East for four years, I still don’t drink the water. As a result, I always have an enormous collection of plastic water bottles to recycle. Over time, these bottles have been turned into funnels, weights, bowling sets, pencil cups, drawer organizers, vases and even board game pieces. I’m always on the lookout for crafty ways to reuse my bottles. Check them below:-
12:28 PM
Last man... um monkey standing
The blood "King-Kong" Monkey won the game against the other wild animal. But, unlucky enough some guys who took him to the town for exhibition purposes, didn't know how to handle him...! THE KILLED HIM AFTER A HEAVY SHELL ON HIM...!