Amazing blog! Thank you so much for all those precious info and posts you share with us.I have a question if you would like to answer it.What are the prayers that are said during Christmas Lent? How should I divide my day - prayers wise - to be fully prepared for Christmas Day. Also, are there any specific prayer(s) that are said on Christmas Day? I just need some guidance if you have any. Thank you so much in advance. God bless you.
Hello dear! :)
I am so sorry I let you wait so long! I am really busy and messages keep coming and coming…! This is something, that you should discuss it with your spiritual father. So, when you go to Confession before Christmas, ask him about it, because I don’t have the authority to give advice on prayer, especially when my prayer life is so weak. In my humble opinion, these days that the Nativity is coming closer and closer, have to be dedicated to God. You can pray in the morning, in the midday and in the night (just open your prayer book and find some proper prayers). All the other parts of the day, you can simply say the Jesus Prayer (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner). You can say it all the times, while on work or school, at the bus station, in home, everywhere. Here’s a prayer that we say in the Orthodox Church on Christmas Day: “Before Thy, birth, O Lord, the angelic hosts looked with trembling on this mystery and were struck with wonder: for Thou who hast adorned the vault of heaven with stars hast been well pleased to be born as a babe; and Thou who holdest all the ends of the earth in the hollow of Thy hand art laid in a manger of dumb beasts. For by such a dispensation has Thy compassion been made known, O Christ, and Thy great mercy: glory to Thee. Today Christ is born of the Virgin in Bethlehem. Today He who knows no beginning now begins to be, and the Word is made flesh. The powers of heaven greatly rejoice, and the earth with mankind makes glad. The Magi offer gifts, the shepherd proclaim the marvel, and we cry aloud without ceasing: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will among men.” (From Matins) Also, here is another one: “This Christmas night bestowed peace on the whole world; So let no one threaten; This is the night of the Most Gentle One - Let no one be cruel; This is the night of the Humble One - Let no one be proud. Now is the day of joy - Let us not revenge; Now is the day of Good Will - Let us not be mean. In this Day of Peace - Let us not be conquered by anger. Today the Bountiful impoverished Himself for our sake; So, rich one, invite the poor to your table. Today we receive a Gift for which we did not ask; So let us give alms to those who implore and beg us. This present Day cast open the heavenly doors to our prayers; Let us open our door to those who ask our forgiveness. Today the DIVINE BEING took upon Himself the seal of our humanity, In order for humanity to be decorated by the Seal of DIVINITY. (by St. Isaac the Syrian) Again, I think the most proper person to help you with this is your spiritual father. I just gave you an idea, according to my personal opinion.