"When a girl decides that you're her friend, you're no longer a dating option. You become this complete non-sexual entity in her eyes, like her brother, or a lamp...!"
But, me I use to say...
Friend-zone is all about FRIENDSHIP and SOCIAL NETWORKING. This Platform is a daily internet publication devoted to the thoughtful exploration of issues of importance Worldwide (www). So, to ME, a friend is YOU.
I used to be a player, ... a very good player before my heart was broken. But, after being mistreated by a certain man..., my heart got broken..., I tried to preserve it but it couldn't help. I was tired of love, so, I decided to find an arrow so I can fill an open hole in my heart..., then I took an arrow in the heart.
Contractors of these Houses, were drunk while building?
Your Contracter built you in the night while drunk..! So, that's why you were built like that....!!!!
I heard one guy saying: "The one who built you studied in Afghanistan.., He were taught how make suicide buildings". Look for the kind of contractors above, and suggest something...!!!
BUY THIS EBOOK NOW! Instant Download Price: $9.99. The whole purpose of revolutionary violence is to destroy at its very roots the institutionalized system of greed which is also the institutionalized system of violence. Today, with the phoney cry of “law and order” the rulers of the imperialist nations attempt to throw the onus of violence on those who are protesting the system under which they live. But the onus is noton them, for violence is the near-monopoly of the state apparatus.
She becomes happy when sleeps in the middle of the bed...! It becomes disturbance when she sleeps at edges of the bed, because she g...
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