[ New Posts ] : Habari Mpya Zote - HAPA CHINI!!!
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11:40 PM
Amen to that, but I will send You to HELL if you mis-use my Terms again...!
Written By Mike Ntobi on Thursday, September 20, 2012 | 11:40 PM
9:55 PM
College Freshman's First Exam
The marks you see "12/100" are not just numbers to play, THEY ARE MARKS A FELLOW ABOVE GOT IN HIS FIRST COLLEGE EXAM.
Wonderful enough, he is asking himself that he don't know if the Chemistry exam is being conducted by tomorrow or when...!
Still, he encourages himself, that "He did well in High School WITHOUT STUDYING...!!!
Is He FIT Psychologically???
7:52 PM
How you know if you are in the End Zone, Friend Zone or Danger Zone?
How you know if you are in the Friend Zone, End Zone or Danger Zone?
7:48 PM
Sound Booth Guest Rules
Sound Booth Guest Rules
Sound Booth Guest Rules:
Just Read those Rules carefully,
Don't ARGUE...!
If, you argue, me I mixes the two Rules: "Refer Rule No:1" and "Rule No: 7"
Thank You.
4:25 PM
"All black people control the weather." Is it true...???!!!