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Really @ TrioMacan2000 Paid Account?

Written By Mike Ntobi on Thursday, December 27, 2012 | 11:58 PM

Recently, the virtual world of social media especially Twitter digegerkan with the act of an anonymous account called @ TrioMacan2000 . As in the jargon of an advertisement, "first impression is so seductive", using the profile photo of a beautiful girl I was immediately impressed with the content twit @ TrioMacan2000. In fact, the first time I read 'kultwit' (lecture twitter) really made ​​me gasp. How not, a twitter account every minute peeling large caliber cases with very vulgar certainly not a common thing in this country. Some time I read 'favorite twits' from the account, all outstanding features reviews are cases that are 'happening' in Indonesia.

However, since about 1 month I felt there was something wrong with the account @ TrioMacan2000 this. Kultwitnya oddity stems from the figure Anas Urbaningrum. It's nothing wrong explores both sides of a character, who happened to be intense, incessant media spotlight over corruption Hambalang sport center construction, fine about it. However, if observed every time @ TrioMacan2000 investigated Anas Urbaningrum figure, tone and context is very much different from when he wrote the tweet about the case law and highlighting political figures nationwide. fact, he often stressed that the news regarding the Anas is a trial by press , character assassination , and so forth. @ TrioMacan2000 most apparent are desperately defending Anas figure amid strong allegations of involvement in public law cases in the Commission. It's a very strange thing if you look at the track record @ TrioMacan2000 far that never once defended this segetol. Is this purely a pencerahaan idealism in order to give to the community, or is there another motivation?


I do not know exactly when the account was created, but about 1 year later it was enough to steal the attention of the audience because this is probably the only one anonymous account that 'consistent' peeling criminal conspiracy 'white collar', an indication of corruption, untold story about the characters national and forth. I myself know this account about 3-4 months ago because it was told by a college friend via my Facebook status. At that time, follower @ TrioMacan2000 still 30 thousand, relatively small compared to currently reaching 117,000 followers. Since the incident 'pelabrakan' Umar Syadat (Minister of specialized staff) the identity of the admin (operator) account @ TrioMacan2000 began to unfold. Confidentiality of identity that had become the hallmark of the anonymous account @ TrioMacan2000 slowly began to lift. Raden is Noah, a former HMI activist and former state officials alleged to be one of the masterminds behind the account @ TrioMacan2000, and a few others (some are calling 3-9 people) are suspected to be the operator in charge of gathering material to write a tweet every minute .


The rapid development of the 'follower' @ TrioMacan2000 not separated from the tremendous appeal for students of national issues-based online media and social media. The appeal came as @ TrioMacan2000 be 'consistent' examines the case of the 'sexy' and often spit a story about the dark side of national figures ranging from officials, public figures from business conglomerates. In this country, where the era of information has just begun, obtain sensitive information of this kind is a rare commodity. Anyone who is brave and capable of providing open information in the rating-based media co-option and the mainstream media tend to be a lopsided political will easily be the center of attention of the masses. ability with courage @ TrioMacan2000 strip sexy issues that can not necessarily make the eyes stand staring twips read every tweet it. @ TrioMacan2000 know very well how to play the role of social media such as Twitter to attract the attention of the public, as well as use it for the formation of public opinion that has been shown to be effective (at least until a few days ago, before many of the followernya that started to change the view). News consumers are already getting fed up with the content and presentation of news that's it karend still wrapped with limited data and information as well as the full benefit of start switch using tweet @ TrioMacan2000 as reference information. Another attraction that is not less great is the nature of the information and data presented. @ TrioMacan2000 known as a very shrewd anonymous account to obtain data that could be considered top secret and exclusive. The data collected was not kidding, ranging from data intleijen, data from the state court, law enforcement, to one's personal life can be earned.Many think they are getting the data from a network of 'civic intelligence', those that believe he obtained the information from the leaked internal party institutions, the state, and law enforcement.


Not a few of the followers who always asked the @ TrioMacan2000, what profession so that it can take time almost 24 hours 7 days a week just taking care of an anonymous account. Of course the big question, that there is someone or a group of people who are willing to spend the time to write long stories and commentators respond faithfully for hours tirelessly is a most sought answers. Pubic certainly smart enough to digest it all, that behind the phenomena @ TrioMacan2000 there are a lot of things questionable.

Top questions questions, often only lightly answered by @ TrioMacan2000. The answer did not really explain anything about what their motives, for what purpose, and what their background mengoperiasikan account @ TrioMacan2000. The answer is actually no more than a diversion question. They are like a bunch of people who do not need a normal activity, sufficient living from typing keyboard keys or touch screen iPad and disseminate infoarmasi they think is useful for the community. They like people who are quite satisfied himself with the attention and created a sensation.

It is too naive, if you trust it for granted that they are a bunch of 'angels' defenders of virtue and crime buster-style superhero movie that is willing every hour of his life should be used as a move to make a living with normal people. If only the anonymous account to post an issue at least 1 week, the public may still be tolerated. But if every minute they can use as a venue for socializing with the 'fans' it with a variety of issues and stories would certainly invite questions.In fact I am very confident, kind of corruption NGO activists Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW) is not as crazy as it seemed to work voicing the anti-corruption movement.

I tried a bit to analyze based on my observations over the 3 months to be a follower of @ TrioMacan2000 (before eventually blocked because of the incident kultwit 'the mustache').Since @ TrioMacan2000 active voice Anas Urbaningrum vindication through kultwitnya that essentially want the public not to judge Anas for his involvement in mega corruption and Pensions Hambalang athlete, I started a little to see there is a pattern being played by @ TrioMacan2000. In various writings on Anas Urbaningrum, @ TrioMacan2000 most visible being fully supported the Chairman of the Democratic Party. fact @ TrioMacan2000 dare plug anas 1000% agency that does not enjoy one dollar of corrupt money projects. @ TrioMacan2000 always argued that the media is judging Anas, and the momentum is already used by the stronghold of internal and external democrats do not like to start with a fairly moncer Anas gait since the entry in Parthia Democrats. Camps are considered the most industrious attacking Anas is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees Party (SBY) and senior functionaries of the Democratic majority, plus some external parties such as the Democratic political opponents sorts Ical. In essence, the @ TrioMacan2000 Anas no more than a hero who is being abused by a high-level political conspiracy. The defense is actually not unusual and excessive, but if you read closely how @ TrioMacan2000 disclose it became clear that he was put weight and menanfaatkan his popularity to form a positive opinion for Anas Urbaningrum.

Regardless of whether or not strong evidence of involvement that are already in the anas blow up various media nasioanal, Anas figure must have a public enemy for some people. The position is to be immediately rescued by Anas. If the mainstream media and law enforcement agencies are not able to be controlled, then the alternative media is enough to at least match that will form an opinion may be useful to reduce public pressure on law enforcement in order to proceed with the case and Pensions Athletes Hambalang leading to Anas. Public surely remember how the power of social media has been proven to relieve Chandra Hamzah and Bibit Samad Riyanto from the shackles of alleged bribery and extortion involving Anggodo Widjojo. Regardless of the material and the actual legal facts, at least the power of mass opinion phenomenon has proved able to break the force of law institutions that are considered dzalim. This is where social media strategic positioning twitter named the most effective ammunition in a position to raise opinions and imaging posisif to balance news and media judgment. Here, the role anomin account kinds @ TrioMacan2000.

Departing from these indications, I began critical of any information and stories from @ TrioMacan2000. I began to ask, what is the motive, from which they obtain the data, the validity of the information disclosed, and the disclosure of irregularities and cases disgrace officials and national figures.

According to my analysis, there are two kinds of data and information presented @ TrioMacan2000. First is valid data, the data and information obtained directly through their team or acquired from third parties in the form of access to the centers of power and internal enforcement. Second, no more garbage data contains information that is weak and crude derived from analysis of unilateral and information from a third party source could not be accounted for and disclosed intentionally for a specific purpose, for example: negative information about Jokowi actually the info from a blog 've written about 1-2 months ago, while the newly written @ trioMacan2000 today and mentioned as data collected on their team.

Therein lies the shrewdness @ TrioMacan2000, using the data issues and cases that are known to the general public (mainstream media) to be used as means of justification data from other cases that are still raw and gray that seemed equally valid as the data that has been previously disclosed . In short, @ TrioMacan2000 use mainstream information relatively easily accessed and analyzed by the lay public to generalize to suggest that all the data disclosed @ TrioMacan2000 is a very valid and verified. If there were 10 cases uncovered, 2-3 of them are mainstream case info and data is valid while the rest is a case of garbage in the hope that the public will already assume that all information and data disclosed @ TrioMacan2000 is accurate and valid.

Actually, if observant follow any kutwit (lecture twitter) then you will find the contradictions and irregularities. Plus opinion counters that are often written by some tweeps that have comparable data that I value labih accountable. Why I can judge that comparative data can be accounted for? Because I often find when @ TrioMacan2000 others argue that present data and arguments, @ TrioMacan2000 can not answer satisfactorily and impressed just circling the arguments and rhetorical answer. An example is when @ TrioMacan2000 memblow up mafia Petral Oil Imports Ltd, then there is a standard which describes the world oil price comparisons with ICP version @ TrioMacan2000. then how to react @ TrioMacan2000? He's just spinning its maintaining data without touching the substance of the matter of the difference in oil prices comparable data. If it stuck, @ TrioMacan2000 solution is to stop the arguments and made ​​the block accounts (including that occurred to me a few days ago) From that I can conclude, that @ TrioMacan2000 had only obtained the raw data without a comprehensive and objective analysis and revealed to the media at random. @ TrioMacan2000 just catching sensation bombastic an issue with the hope of public and media attention, but negligent maintain objectivity of data and information that expressed itself.

@ Triomacan2000 often brags about lowering search teams in the field of data and evidence related to the case under discussion is nothing more than a figment of sweeteners alone. I could tell it was big hoax and continues to be repeated. Hoax is made so that the reader will be impressed totality and militancy group of people who claimed eradication of corruption

Another oddity was beginning to look at the moments that are warm Establishments Pilgub so consumption of media lately. As I already wrote earlier posts where I point out contradictions in kultwit @ TrioMacan2000 Pilgub just before Round 1, and drastic changes in Round 2. I conclude, there is something drastically change and something that is 'bargain price'.

And then we ask again, if indeed he has strong evidence of corruption why none of the info and data that serve law enforcement (police, prosecutors, KPK) as the starting material investigation. Answer @ TrioMacan2000 always rhetorically, "Since law enforcement has been contaminated KPK is no exception ... blah ... blah .. blah" .... hmmmmm.


Based on my analysis, can I conclude the following:
  1. Account @ TrioMacan2000 created by a group of people who want to gain the economic benefits of disclosing information about corruption from reducing public opinion.
  2. @ TrioMacan2000 mode is to form an opinion with uncovering indications of potential victims of corruption and intentionally giving the victim time to get hooked, and when the victim was very frustrated with the media exposure and public money will talk.
  3. The data revealed @ TrioMacan2000 not much intelligence as people think, but the extent of the information leaked accesses their political institutions and law enforcement RI that is raw and not entirely accurate, but wrapped in a strong argument as if the data is valid.
  4. A great destination account @ TrioMacan2000 is positioning itself as a very strong opinions media celebration of the presidential election in 2014, where they will be traded in popularity opinions to anyone willing to pay dearly candidates. With followernya which has now reached 117,000, likely will still continue to grow for up to 2 years ahead of the presidential election. Let's say the next 2 years @ TrioMacan2000 could reach 300,000 followers or perhaps could reach 500,000, then @ TrioMacan2000 is a very effective medium for spreading opinions positive / negative very quickly. Stay political factions who dare to pay expensive ... hmmmmm ...
Author: Mi Ko / / radenmasmiko 
  1. TrioMacan2000, New Warlord Fauzi Bowo
  2. TrioMacan2000, 2014 Towards Commercialization Twitter
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