Roy asks: I have no idea at all about working from home using the computer. Kindly do explain to me what online jobs are all about and what is expected of me to do this job. Thank you.
Dear Roy,
"There are plenty of online jobs & work from home opportunities, depending on your knowledge and experience. Your options will depend on your skill set of course, or what you are willing to learn."
These online jobs generally consist of freelance work, unless you choose to start an online service-based business that focuses on a specific skill or service. You want to start by listing your skills, experience and credentials and then see what is a best match for you personally. Freelancing is a great way to get your feet wet, and decide which services may suit you best as a potential online business.
Where to find Online Jobs & Work From Home opps
There are several networks that feature online jobs, work from home opportunities, freelance work, etc. Some cater specifically to writing, design or other skills while others offer a variety of online jobs to browse. Here are some to start with:
- Go Freelance
- oDesk
- crowdSPRING
- Elance
- 99 Designs
- Real Writing Jobs
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Get direct access to thousands of freelance jobs for just $7.00
No Skills? No Worries!
The biggest setback for most people is a lack of skills. Or an assumption that they lack skills, at least. You are probably capable of more than you think.
Browse through some of the freelance options at the links above and you may be surprised at the jobs you're able to do. Everything from simple research to easy writing, there are online jobs for practically anyone.
There are more advanced things that you can easily learn, too. There are tons of free tutorials and how-to's across the internet that will help you learn skills you need to take better jobs. You just have to be willing to learn!
If you're new to online jobs, work from home forums can provide a lot of support and resources. There are thousands of people out there that are willing to share and help. Don't be nervous - just hop on a discussion forum and start asking questions!
You're welcome to join us at the ClickNewz Forum even.
We're very newbie friendly.
Online Jobs -vs- Online Business
Starting and running a successful online business is another great opportunity for people who want to work from home. Specifically for entrepreneur types.
It's not for everyone given that it requires a substantial investment of time and energy (and sometimes money), as well as a healthy dose of ambition. But it's definitely an option to consider.
If you need to make money now you should look into online jobs. Even if you are an entrepreneur at heart, freelancing can be a great way to bring in the start-up cash you need for your online business idea.
But if you're looking for more of a long-term return, and a solid online business model, the easiest way to get started is through Affiliate Marketing. I discuss that, including a 10-step checklist to get you started, in How To Make Money Online For Beginners. Simply follow the steps at the end of that post to get started.
I hope that helps point you in the right direction, and helps you make a decision about what will work best for you in regards to online jobs. Work From Home opportunities are everywhere, from freelance work to starting your own website. Dive in and find your place! There's no better time to start... than today.
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